Sun in Aquarius: Prosperity and the Fulfillment of Your Dreams

The Sun moves into the sign Aquarius on February 11th and stays until March 14th. This is a very special time of year for all Aquarians, but we must remember, each and every one of us has the 12 signs in our astrological chart, which means we all have Aquarius in one of our houses. And whichever house Aquarius resides in within your chart is the area of your life where the effects of the Sun in Aquarius have the most impact.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac relating to groups, prosperity and the fulfillment of dreams. It reflects the Bible verse, Ask and you shall receive. It is associated with reaping benefits of all kinds – they can be physical, material, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above depending on how we perceive what a gain means to us. Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, who brings nourishment to humanity. Its keyword is “I help”. Aquarius focuses on groups that have a humanitarian dimension.

The ideas of Aquarius are original, humanitarian and idiosyncratic. During this time, you might be interested in exploring ideas others might perceive as unorthodox, but are often based on knowledge from antiquity, such as the sciences of astrology and palmistry which Aquarius rules. People with a strong Aquarius influence are often considered eccentric because they are ahead of their time. They live by their own ideas—usually visionary and thought provoking – and, consequently, do not follow the norm.

Discover how the Sun in Aquarius is influencing (or can influence) your life and relationships. Book a consultation with us, either in person, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll discuss how to make the most of this planetary transit!

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