Dr. O was an opinionated, no-nonsense physician whose motto at work and at home was: “It’s my way or the highway”. His attitude had won him few friends and alienated his colleagues. Despite his brashness, he’d been acknowledged as one of the finest surgeons in the country until a recent skiing accident damaged his wrists and left him incapable of operating. All the specialist told him the damage couldn’t be repaired.

He reluctantly agreed to see me at the insistence of his wife, a regular client of mine who was a doctor of non-traditional medicine. She had long complained about her husband’s stubborn closed-mindedness and unwillingness to try new things. Since the accident, she’d pleaded with him constantly to seek alternative therapy for his injuries and to help his overall outlook. He steadfastly refused and the marriage was quickly deteriorating.

“My wife says I’ve become bitter and mean-spirited,” he complained. “What does she expect? I can’t work, I can’t even hold a scalpel—my career is over.”

Dr. O’s handprints revealed why he was an excellent surgeon. His long, unbending head line stretched into the hand’s great energy center of Mars positive, giving him the drive, strength of mind and cool nerves to perform with grace under pressure. And his passion and dedication were evident in his strong destiny line, but the destiny line ended abruptly at his head line, confirming the sudden break in his career.

A destiny line ending at the head line indicates there is something wrong with our way of thinking, which disrupts our destiny—our purpose in life. When the head line is properly used, we think constructively and our destiny will continue uninterrupted regardless of mishap or setback. A destiny-head line disruption can be a staggering blow to our self-confidence and sense of identity, as well as damaging our personal relationships and financial well-being.

I suspected the rigidity of Dr. O’s head line had interfered with his destiny—his inflexible thinking fully manifested following the stress of his accident, sending him into a downward spiral. Fortunately, there were two potentially helpful features in Dr. O’s handprints. Foremost was a second, overlapping destiny line above the head line suggesting that, after a period of self-reflection and the adoption of a more positive attitude, Dr. O was capable of continuing his career. Secondly, a square on the original destiny line where it broke at the headline meant he had to ability to be receptive to new ideas and to accept the support and advice of friends and family. I was certain that successfully guiding him in this direction would improve his situation.

“Dr. O, your wife has urged you to see an alternative practitioner. . . why not swallow your pride and take her advice? Look at it this way: You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

Thankfully, Dr. O took my recommendation. He began an alternative therapy program and adhered to it religiously. One year later he returned to my office.

“Great news, Ghanshyam! I’ve resumed my hospital duties. My wrists are healed; I’m operating even better than before!” he told me. Even better, he said, he was making friends for the first time—his colleagues loved his new-found openness to their ideas.

“The only person happier than I am is my wife,” Dr. O smiled. “She keeps asking me what I did with her husband!”


Do you need guidance to re-establish your priorities or sense of purpose? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We’re here to help.

Jack and Julia didn’t know it, but they arrived in the world just hours apart on the same day, in the same city and at the same hospital. The nurses even placed them in adjoining cribs in the same maternity wing.

Although their families didn’t socialize, they lived in the same neighborhood, attended the same church and enrolled Jack and Julia in the same grade school. And while the youngsters weren’t in the same classroom, it didn’t mean they weren’t very aware of each other. Even as kids they felt drawn to one another and exchanged glances and shy smiles when they passed in the hallway or spotted each other during recess.

One Friday afternoon a group of older boys decided to pick on eight-year-old Julia in the lunchroom and knocked her books to the floor. Jack intervened, telling the boys to take off or else. Then he picked up Julia’s books and handed them back to her.

“Thank you,” Julia said. “I’m Julia.”

“I know who you are,” Jack said. “I’m Jack.”

“I know who you are, too.” Julia smiled.

The bell rang and they went their separate ways. On Monday morning Julia watched for Jack in the hallway, but he didn’t show up at school that day. He never showed up at school again.

Julia didn’t know that Jack’s parents had been killed in a car crash over the weekend and he was sent away to live with his uncle. While Julia’s happy, stable home life continued uninterrupted, Jack’s became a nightmare. Not only did he have to deal with the emotional trauma of losing his parents, his uncle treated him like dirt from the moment he arrived at his door. Jack was fed only leftovers and wasn’t allowed to eat with his cousins or play with their friends; he wore only hand-me-downs and was forced to work in his uncle’s machine shop each afternoon and all day on weekends. If he complained, he was beaten. On his sixteenth birthday Jack ran away, sleeping wherever he could and saving every dime he earned working odd jobs, hoping to go to college one day.

It took him two years, but Jack made it to college. On his first day, during his first class, the young woman sitting beside him dropped her pen. Jack picked it up and handed it to her. They recognized each other immediately.



They went on their first date that evening and caught up on all that had transpired in the decade since they’d last seen one another; they discovered their common birthdays and vowed to never lose sight of each other again. They married at the end of their first college semester and were expecting their first child by the time they graduated and started their own accounting firm.

I met Jack and Julia (and first heard their incredible story) shortly after they had enrolled in some of our astrology and palmistry courses—at the time they were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Jack wasn’t really interested in metaphysics, but because Julia was, he agreed to study it with her.

“If it makes her happy, it makes me happy,” Jack said during our first consultation.

“We always support each other in everything, even though we have completely different interests and beliefs,” Julia added. “But Ghanshyam, can you tell me why two people born at practically the same time and in the same place can be so vastly different?”

I told them that even though they were born on the same day, and actually shared many of the same planets in their birth charts, they had been born at different hours, which meant their ascendants were different. The ascendant is the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of our birth. Because of the Earth’s rotation, a different sign appears on the eastern horizon every couple of hours. Our ascendant plays an enormous role in shaping personality and the way our karma unfolds throughout our life. When Julia was born, Aquarius was ascending; later in the day when Jack was born, Cancer was ascending. This gave Jack and Julia completely different life experiences and meant they came into the world to learn different lessons.

Despite their many differences, both Jack and Julia were blessed to have Poorva Punya lines in their hands. A Poorva Punya (“good fortune”) line reflects a rare magnetism to draw the right person into our life—someone with whom we share a common goal or destiny. It is a line that defies time, stretching into our memories of past lives, reuniting us with loved ones in our current life and drawing us toward success and happiness in the future. One of the most powerful reflections of the Poorva Punya line is of the dedication, commitment and loyalty we hold toward our beloved.

“Thank you, Ghanshyam,” Julia said. “You have confirmed what I have known in my heart since I was a child . . . Jack and I are soul mates, we were born to be together.”


Would you like to gain more insight into your relationships? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

Ever since childhood Brian had fantasized about being a writer. He had a brilliant way with words and caught the attention of several publications at an early age. During college, two of his stories were published in well-known magazines and he even won a prestigious short story contest.

Despite this early promise and his obvious talent, Brian drifted away from writing after graduating. He took a series of temporary telemarketing jobs to pay the rent and, although he had plenty of good story ideas, found he was too tired after work to write them down. Most nights he just flopped onto his couch and fell asleep in front of the TV. Over the next few years several of his girlfriends encouraged him to give up his day job and focus his energy on his passion—they pleaded with him to write. But Brian felt over-pressured by their enthusiasm; he didn’t know how to respond so he did nothing and eventually each relationship just fizzled out.

On his 26th birthday Brian came to see me for a consultation. He was frustrated at his inability to get started in his chosen career, and was increasingly worried that both his life and his dream of being a writer were passing him by.

“All I want to do is be a writer, Ghanshyam,” he told me. “I know I can do it, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening for me. I can’t bring my ideas to life on paper, let alone keep a relationship alive. My career and my love life are going nowhere.”

The prints I took of Brian’s palm gave me a pretty good notion of the root of his problem.

He indeed possessed the hand of a writer, displaying a truly impressive head line and a strong intuition line that indicated a deep intellect guided by an innate and profound insight into the human condition. Unfortunately, his head line was enmeshed in a massive web of intricately woven interference lines. These types of interference lines are often found in a hand that is finely textured with a skin consistency that is very soft to the touch. A fine texture and soft consistency frequently reflect a sensitive, kind and empathetic nature, but can also indicate we lack the fire and passion to get things done.


I pressed my thumb into Brian’s palm—the simple action left a dent in his skin that did not immediately bounce back. The lack of resiliency confirmed what the prints had told me: Brian had a good and gentle nature but lacked the fortitude, motivation or staying power to tackle the demands of a writing career—or the demands of a committed relationship.

“Let me ask you something about yourself, Brian . . . and please answer honestly,” I said. “When it comes to work or love, do you find you would rather go with the flow and stick with the status quo than test yourself and work hard to get what you want?”

Brian sighed. “I think you hit the nail on the head Ghanshyam. It’s not that I’m lazy—I just prefer being comfortable. I know my attitude is holding me back, but I can’t seem to shake off this sense of lethargy.”

“Well, let’s see if we can do that together,” I said. “You have the natural genius and talent to be a great writer—but all these crisscrossing interference lines are forcing you to use your head line improperly. You use it to make excuses instead of making things happen, you daydream instead of applying yourself, you waver instead of committing and you procrastinate instead of acting. Getting rid of those interference lines will help forge the attitude you need to develop your gifts and put them into motion. And once you’ve accomplished that, your writing career and your love life will begin to take shape.”

I designed a program of meditation and yoga for Brian to develop his powers of concentration and his physical stamina. He began showing great improvement in just a matter of weeks and had started writing short stories again. Sadly, in an effort to save money, he moved in with his brother, a no-nonsense criminal lawyer who didn’t understand meditation and had no patience for yoga. He gave Brian an ultimatum: abandon palmistry or leave his house.

When making major changes in ourselves, it is critical to have the support and encouragement of those we love and rely on. Brian was on the verge of making his dream a reality, but had not developed enough resilience to do it on his own. Instead he chose to quit yoga and meditation in order to remain in the comfort of his brother’s home. As far as I know, he never wrote again.


Do you need guidance or encouragement to help your dream become a reality? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

Cynthia was a dynamic and dedicated therapist who devoted her life to helping autistic children communicate with the world. The intensity of her heartfelt, loving approach was innovative and highly effective, allowing her to interact with kids that society had all but written off. The deep emotional connection she made with her young patients brought smiles to their faces and garnered the respect and praise of parents and peers.

Her professional success stemmed from Cynthia’s deeply loving nature and hyper-focused energy, a combination that enabled her to direct every ounce of her love exclusively to her patients. Ironically, this same combination wreaked havoc in her personal life and eventually, nearly destroyed her career.

Cynthia had been a client of mine for several years and was so impressed with palmistry that she incorporated many of its aspects into her own work, sometimes even using the the children’s handprints to design treatment programs. Unfortunately, she ignored what her own handprints reflected about herself, particularly in regards to her Mount of Venus—the concentrated source of her powerful, caring energy and the foundation of her professional success.


There are ten mounts in the hand, each providing a window into the health of a particular aspect of our life. The Mount of Venus (the raised pad of flesh below the thumb) represents our ability to love and be loved. A balanced mount is pliant and resilient to the touch; it will give in and quickly spring back into place when pressed—this tells us we can give and receive love in equal and healthy measure. However, Cynthia’s Mount of Venus was rigid, hard and unyielding—an indication that she had built a protective shell around her heart due to a past emotional hurt, and that she was passionate to the point of obsession. It explained to me why Cynthia was so single-minded when it came to work, but had remained romantically single well into middle age.

When it came to the children, Cynthia had no expectations—she wasn’t upset when they couldn’t (and didn’t) return her love. But in her personal life, she had very high expectations of others—a demanding attitude that destroyed a brief marriage when she was in her early twenties. Now in her early fifties, she was lonely and wanted someone to share her life with. I cautioned her that her dominant, rigid Mount of Venus, could make any romantic relationship she entered untenable, that the obsessive intensity of her affection would push potential suitors away and ultimately threaten her own mental stability. I encouraged her to seek a more balanced emotional life by consciously extending the type of unconditional love she showered on her patients into all her relationships.

Unfortunately, compulsiveness is part and parcel of a rigid Venus and Cynthia didn’t heed my advice. Sure enough, the obsessive nature that had served her well when focusing on her patients, proved disastrous when she met Al. Cynthia convinced herself that Al was her soul-mate. Al, however, did not feel the same way; he was in the middle of a difficult divorce and not interested in becoming deeply involved with her. Nevertheless, Cynthia made him the focus of her life—her rigid Venus pushed her to blindly direct the love she had always reserved for her patients onto Al. But unlike her relationship with her patients, Cynthia demanded and expected Al to reciprocate. She was incapable of considering his own needs and feelings. When Al abruptly broke off their short-lived and one-side romance, she fell into a crippling depression; she began ignoring her work duties, her patients and her personal health and hygiene. Her performance became so poor at the clinic that she was fired. She stopped eating, couldn’t sleep and seldom left her home. In just a matter of months she lost all she had achieved and was a shadow of her former self.

Fortunately, she did not give up on palmistry, and palmistry did not give up on her. Over the course of two years Cynthia and I worked to develop greater flexibility in her Venus Mount by shifting her focus to a wider, spiritual horizon. We began with daily recitation of Gayatri and Shiva Mantras, created a greater self-awareness with regular meditation and dissolved her long-held tension and emotional trauma through frequent deep-tissue massage. Eventually she was able she let go of her obsession with Al, rebuild her career and enjoy a far happier and healthier lifestyle. Balancing her Mount of Venus allowed her to love everyone in her life unconditionally, to love herself and to find peace of mind.


Do you need help finding balance in your life? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

Despite having a B.A. in comparative literature, Robert had no idea what to do with his education or his life. At 26, he was drifting unhappily through a series of odd jobs, including washing dishes at a restaurant a few blocks away from Birla Vedic International. One afternoon he wandered into my office, said he was miserable and asked for a consultation. Even a quick look at his hand told me that the root of his unhappiness was his utter lack of a destiny line—in other words, Robert had no purpose in life.

Lacking a purpose in life is more than an existential crisis—it is a potentially dangerous condition that can rob us of our health and happiness. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—used by caregivers around the world to diagnose mental illnesses—links a “lack of purpose” with depression, borderline personality disorder, drug addiction and even suicide. You know you lack purpose if you experience a nagging sensation telling you: There must be more to life than this! Well, there is more—it is purpose.

But finding your purpose takes work; it doesn’t simply mean having a job, a profession or a role to play in our family or society. If our careers or duties are not driven by a deep-seated purpose, they are merely occupations and we crawl out of bed in the morning instead of embracing each day as a blessing and a new opportunity to shine in the world.

Raising our kids, doing our best at work or labouring to put food on the table provides us with an external purpose, but if that purpose does not come from within, it is unanchored, fragile and can be shattered by changing circumstance. The death of a spouse or child, the loss of a job, the realization we are in the wrong career or a bad marriage, or the prospect of a forced retirement can drain us of the meaning we thought our lives had—leaving us with only hopelessness and despair.

Our real purpose comes from deep within; it can be hard to find and even harder to sustain over a lifetime. But if we succeed—despite any hardship or heartaches we encounter—we will create a happy and healthy existence driven by a strong sense of meaning and steering us toward personal fulfillment and enlightenment. Finding and developing our purpose will enable us to lead better lives and help us make this world a better place for everyone.

destiny-lineIn palmistry, the Saturn line—also known as the line of destiny—is a good indicator of our depth of purpose.

In Robert’s case, the presence of a Mercury line shows an ability to apply himself, enabling him to earn a B.A.—but the complete absence of a Saturn line indicated a lack of no-destiny-robertdeep-seated purpose. So he had an education, but no calling . . . and he wasn’t searching for one. He passed his time earning rent money, watching television, and becoming more and more depressed. With no hobbies, passions, causes or supportive friends to encourage or challenge him to set his sights higher and strive for excellence, Robert fell into a mechanical routine of daily survival, leaving him restless, bored and completely unfulfilled.

I encouraged him to grow his Saturn line by becoming more introspective; I urged him to read books, take up yoga or meditation, become a community activist—anything to expand his horizons and engage his heart and mind, so long as it stirred his passion and required a deep commitment. I assured him that igniting his passion would lead him to his purpose, and that a purpose-driven life is one that promises us happiness, contentment and rich spiritual rewards that will generate inner joy and inspire those around us.

Robert dropped by a few months later to let me know that, although he was still washing dishes to pay the rent, he had started writing film reviews for a community newspaper and had written the first chapter of a novel. He wasn’t sure if writing was his true purpose, but it was a good place to start looking for it.


Are you looking for your true purpose? Vedic palmistry and astrology can help. Give us a call at 866-428-3799 or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

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Steve and Lyn: Moving from Anger to Laughter

Steve was a big, burly owner of a fleet of moving vans who had no patience for palmistry. When we started our first session he wanted to be any place other than in my office watching me analyze his handprints.

“I’m only here because my wife made me come. There is nothing wrong with me—she might buy into this palmistry silliness, but I don’t,” he said, folding his tattooed-arms across his chest defensively.

“I understand,” I said, smiling. “Palmistry isn’t everybody’s cup of tea.” I also understood that his wife, Lyn, a long time client of mine, was fed up living with Steve’s demanding nature, short-temper, and overall miserable outlook on life. He was no longer the thoughtful, happy man she’d married 20 years earlier. She’d had enough and had given him an ultimatum—go see Guylaine or pack your bags. Despite his surliness, the fact that he was sitting across from me told me he loved Lyn and was desperate to save his marriage.

“Steve, you say you are only here because your wife insisted—so let’s talk about your relationship with her.” At first he was reluctant to discuss his personal life, but as he described how he and Lyn met and fell in love his macho exterior began to melt. Steve slowly let down his guard and his eyes filled with tears as he shared his fears about losing his wife.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he blurted out. “I get so impatient and annoyed whenever she asks me to do something with her. I know she’s just trying to bring us closer together . . . but I’m afraid that if I don’t do what she wants she’ll leave me. That fear makes me even angrier and I end up pushing her further away. I know I’m acting poorly by not doing what she wants to, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

steve-rb-beforeSteve’s handprints confirmed what he was telling me. His heart line was particularly revealing—it was long and as straight as a ruler. While the line’s length suggested he was idealistic and capable of loving deeply, its rigidity rendered him incapable of compromising or accepting others for who they truly were. He became agitated when people didn’t see things his way, which made him intense and unyielding—a bad combination if he hoped to maintain a long-term, harmonious relationship. He simply couldn’t respond to the needs and feelings of his partner. His unhappy situation was made all the worse by his closed Sun finger, which drained him of his natural magnetism and prevented him from experiencing joy in life and love.

Fortunately, Steve’s hand also possessed several wisdom marks on his Jupiter mount that, although they were faint, told me he was capable of change and personal growth. By the end of that first session he said he was willing to do whatever it took to change his attitude and develop a rounder, more flexible heart line. I gave him a journal and asked him to keep a record of every experience that triggered an angry outburst.

Within the first few weeks Steve was shocked to observe that he became upset during most personal interactions. “It’s not just with Lyn—it’s with everyone—I yell at my employees if they are 30 seconds late coming back from lunch, at the guy in front of me who’s driving too slow, at the waiter when he’s not quick enough with my order, at Lyn if she wants to watch a comedy show instead of the hockey game . . . everything and everyone seems to aggravate me! I’ve almost filled this journal and there is only one day that I felt happy! Why am I always so angry?

I answered by quoting the great Eastern sage, Sri Yukteswar, who said that wrath springs only from thwarted desires—that if we choose to love, our love must be unconditional. Otherwise our relationships are based on satisfying our own desires and we will inevitably be disappointed when our needs aren’t fulfilled. That clicked with Steve; he agreed to start another journal—this time writing down a note of forgiveness to everyone with whom he lost his temper. The next time we met he was angry with himself.steve-rb-after

“Look at all these forgiveness notes. I can’t stand myself, who would want to live with someone so miserable and mad at the world?” This insight was a major breakthrough for Steve, whose next step was forgiving himself for putting so many demands and expectations on others.

A year later Steve and I met for our final coaching session. This time Lyn joined us and my office was filled with laughter as we took another set of Steve’s hand prints. His heart line had changed as much as his attitude—it was much rounder and far more flexible. And now the marks of wisdom on his Jupiter mount were more prominent and his Sun finger had opened up, inviting joy to return to his life.

Lyn confided that Steve had undergone a dynamic transformation—his anger had evaporated and he was more patient, caring and attentive to her needs. They had drawn closer as a couple and, most importantly, they were both happy.

“Thank you for giving me back the man I married,” Lyn whispered as they left.


My personal palmistry coaching program will focus on the issues blocking you from happiness and fulfillment. We will look at how to eliminate self-defeating attitudes, develop confidence and charisma, attract love, strengthen your relationships or build a successful career. Whether your goals are short-term or long-range, I’d be delighted to help you achieve them. Together we can change your life as we change the lines in your hand.

Call 866-428-3799 today or click here to book a consultation or coaching program with me. We are here to help.

Charles was a graduate student of philosophy at a major university who wanted the security of being a fully tenured professor. Melissa was a talented musician and recent immigrant to Canada who earned a living giving private music lessons. They’d both grown up near the water—Charles on the banks of the St. Lawrence River; Melissa on the coast of Jamaica—and shared a deep passion for sailing. They met at a boating regatta near Montreal, where they rented a small skiff and fell in love while skimming across the waves on a beautiful summer afternoon.

Charles recited love poems to Melissa from ancient Eastern texts and Melissa played classical guitar for Charles until he drifted off to sleep. He had never been happier in his life, and she felt the same way. They talked of the future, planning to raise a family and sailing around the world together when they retired.

For two years they were inseparable, except those times, Melissa noted uncomfortably, when it came to meeting Charles’ parents or the faculty members at his university. She finally asked Charles why he had not introduced her to his mom and dad or his colleagues. “Charlie—is it because my skin is darker than yours?” Charles was flustered. “Melissa, you know I don’t have a prejudiced bone in my body—but my mother . . . she is old fashioned, she wouldn’t approve. And the president of the university faculty is very conservative—he believes academics should only marry other academics. So please, be patient—one day I will have tenure and can do what I like. And who knows, sooner or later my mother might come around. Let’s just wait and see what happens. Let’s be patient.”

‘Be patient? It’s been more than two years! We don’t need other peoples’ approval to be happy together. Why don’t we just leave and start our life somewhere else. We are young and in love, we can earn money . . . what’s stopping us? Let’s rent a boat and sail away somewhere—anywhere in the world!”

“I would do that in a heartbeat—if we won a lottery. We can’t exist on love alone, Melissa.”

“But money can’t buy you love Charlie! You said you wanted to get married, to have kids and spend our lives together! You better make up your mind and decide if that’s the life you want,” Melissa said.

“Okay, Okay . . . I’ll think about,” Charles answered.

That Christmas Charles failed to invite Melissa to the faculty party or his family get-together. A few months later, on the third anniversary of their first meeting, Melissa was about to give Charles a lottery ticket as a present. “Move to the West Coast with me,” she said. “I can teach music to support us, you can finish your studies at a new university and we can go sailing whenever we like. We’ll live our dream; if we put each other first, the money will follow.”

“I’ll have to think about it,” he said. Melissa kissed him goodbye as she put the lottery ticket back in her pocket and left. Charles never saw her again.

I met Charles several years later while he was completing his thesis and researching some of the rare Vedic texts in the Birla’s private library. He asked to have his handprints taken and wanted to know which feature or character trait was most prominent in his palm.

cross“The lines and signs of the hand form a complex and integral web—they should be read as a whole,” I said. “But what stands out most in your palm is the cross on your Sun line. The Sun line is an expression of personal joy, success and contentment—if it’s healthy and solid, it means you’re following your heart selflessly and without the need of praise or approval. However, this cross is cutting your Sun line in half. The cross has likely been caused by some unconscious or external force that’s interfering with your ability to decide or act upon what your heart is intuitively telling you is the right thing to do. Have you had difficulty finding or keeping the things that give you joy? Do you have trouble committing to your passion or happiness?”

That’s when Charles told me his sad love story and how his relationship with Melissa ended. “But the real irony is this—a mutual friend recently told me that the lottery ticket Melissa tried to give me was actually a winning number. She became a millionaire, then she met and married another man; they bought a boat and are sailing around the world. I let the love of my life sail away from me because I couldn’t make up my mind—I let other people decide the kind of life I would lead. I guess that’s my destiny.”

“What I see in your hand is not etched in stone, Charles. What happens to us is not predestined. We can change our lines, and our lives, if we truly desire and commit to change. We can fix your Sun line, Charles—the question is, do you want to fix it, do you want to change your life?”

“I’ll have to think it over,” Charles said as he left my office. When I last heard of Charles, he had become a tenured professor and was living in his mother’s house. He never married.

Palmistry is an amazing tool that can not only reveal the personal challenges blocking us from a full and truly happy life, but can also help us eliminate those blockages and embrace the happiness and joy we deserve. All we need to do is find the courage and commitment to change.

If you’d like to learn more about how the Sun line, or any of your lines, influence your life, sign up for one of our introductory courses by clicking here. If you need help in your relationship, give us a call at 866.428.3799, or click here for a consultation. We’re here to help.


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“She says I don’t hear a word she says,” Mateo blurted out, as he stepped into my office with his girlfriend, Mercedes. “But really, it’s her who doesn’t listen to hear me. I told her palmistry can’t help our relationship, but she went ahead and bought the plane tickets and dragged me here yet again.”

“He doesn’t hear me, Ghanshyam,” Mercedes said. “And I don’t think he sees me, either. We’ve been together for five years and I feel invisible to him.”

I first met Mercedes who, ironically, was a best-selling author of books on love and relationships, in 1996 at a symposium on Ayurvedic healing in her hometown of Los Angeles. She’d been travelling to Canada twice a year ever since for a consultation. Usually she came alone, but the year before she had brought along Mateo to help them solve their communication problem.

“When I saw you last year you both agreed to be more open with each other’s feelings. What happened?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you what happened,” Mateo jumped in. “A few months ago we went to a spiritual retreat and as soon as we walked in she was mobbed by her book fans. A huge, handsome guy who looked like a Swedish tennis pro elbowed me aside to tell her how much her books meant to him and his wife. Mercedes didn’t even acknowledge I was there. I felt two-feet-tall while she soaked up this guy’s praise. She should have known how I felt. I can’t get past that feeling of being ignored and treated like I’m unwanted.”

“Does that explain what happened after the retreat when we went for a romantic dinner at our hotel?” Mercedes countered. “Our waitress blatantly flirted with you right in front of me, and you encouraged it by winking and smiling at her. She was practically sitting in your lap and you loved it! You looked like you wanted to take her up to our room and jump into bed with her. How can I trust you when you invite women to come on to you?”

“Can I help it if she found me attractive, Mercedes?”

“No, but why do you have to flirt with other women when you have me?”

“Okay, you two,” I said. “Let’s calm down and see what your handprints can tell us.”

mercedes-left-heartI compared Mercedes’s current handprints with the ones from the year before and saw that her heart line hadn’t changed in either her right hand (reflecting her conscious mind because she was right-handed) or in her left hand, relating to her subconscious. This meant her affection for Mateo had remained constant. However, a series of lines paralleling her union (marriage) line had formed in her subconscious hand and the union line itself was now turning downward. These were clear indications of a growing emotional separation from Mateo, which could soon lead to an actually separation.


mateo-heartMateo’s handprints from a year ago revealed a multitude of parallel union lines in both hands, and those lines were just as pronounced in the new prints. Most worrisome was that the long, solid heart line from the previous year originating in his idealistic Jupiter mount had changed in the new handprints—it had shrunk and was now broken in two.

“When I looked at your handprints last year,” I began, “I said that you were communicating with each other as if you were on opposite sides of the street. Today it is as though you are talking to each other from opposite sides of a football stadium—it’s little wonder you can’t hear each other.”

“Mercedes, your parallel union lines are reactionary—they have formed because you sense Mateo is shutting you out, making you feel insecure and distant from him. But Mateo, your parallel union lines have been there for years, they have been present in many, if not in all of your past relationships. Your idealistic heart line tells me that you put your partners on a pedestal and you feel let down and unwanted when they don’t live up to your unrealistically high expectations of them. That’s when you subconsciously begin looking for a new relationship, hoping it will fulfil your fantasy. But it is a fantasy you will never fulfill because the women you love are real people with their own lives, goals and personalities. They cannot be everything you want them to be in the kitchen, in the bedroom and in public.

“At the spiritual retreat, Mercedes was being appreciative and receptive to her fans and admirers—you could have chosen to be proud of this and let her enjoy the attention, but you took it as a slight. Your broken and shrinking heart line indicates your ideal image of Mercedes is broken and subconsciously you are pulling away from her in search of another ‘ideal’ woman. If you don’t fix this now, your relationship is heading toward disaster. Both of you have down-turning union lines—that is destiny’s way of bringing you together to work out your issues. It’s up to you to do the work.”

I half expected Mateo to storm out of my office, but he didn’t. Instead he took Mercedes’s hand in his own and said: “Ghanshyam, I don’t like what you’ve said, but I have to admit that you just described my entire history with women. I suddenly understand why all my relationships ended unhappily. This relationship is going to be different.”

He turned to Mercedes and said, “From now on I am not only going to listen to everything you say to me, I’m going to hear you. And I guess I was wrong, palmistry can help our relationship.”

As they left my office, Mercedes looked back at me, smiled and whispered: “Thank you.”

Open the lines of communication with your partner or spouse—palmistry can show you how. To book a consultation, give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here. We are here to help.


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Has love ever made you act crazy, irrationally or even dangerously? Misdirected passion can take a heavy toll on our lives. We can help you develop a healthy and balanced love life. Check out Randy's story:

A Crime of Passion: Randy’s Story

Randy was a law abiding truck driver; Linda was a yoga instructor with big dreams. When they met in their early 20s it was love at first sight. Randy wanted Linda more than anything and promised to her the world if she would marry him. She said yes and they tied the knot, rented a small apartment and soon had two young sons.

Randy adored his boys and was still crazy-in-love with his young wife. But Linda was restless and unpleased with the slow progress of their lives. She desperately wanted her own yoga studio and relentlessly pressured Randy to earn more money to make her dream come true. Despite working 60-hour weeks, Randy knew he would take at least a decade to save enough to give his wife what she wanted. He was desperate for a solution, so he came to see me.

The first words out of his mouth were: “I love my wife and I am going to buy her a private yoga studio. It’s her dream, and she will be able to help hundreds of people find peace and harmony.”

I told Randy I thought that was a great idea and a very noble ambition.

“Thank you, Ghanshyam,” he said. “The problem is . . . I can’t afford it. That’s why I’ve decided to rob a bank. I will do one bad deed and then do good for the rest of my life. What do you think of that idea?”

“Are you joking? I think that is a terrible idea,” I told him. “If you need money, go to the bank for a loan, not to rob it! It’s against the law; someone could get hurt . . . you could get hurt. You don’t want to be a criminal, you’ll lose your freedom and your family.  It might take longer to earn the money you need honestly, but it is the best and only way to do it.”

“Okay—skip the philosophy Ghanshyam . . . just read my palms and tell me if you think I’d get away with it.”

I told Randy palmistry wasn’t about predicting the future, but is an invaluable tool in helping us avoid making big mistakes, which I really wanted to help him do.

Randy’s handprints provided a lot of insight into two very different aspects of his personality. The dominant hand, the hand used to write and that reveals our current resolve and circumstances, reflected a stable and rational mind. His quadrangle—the area between the head and heart line—was beautifully balanced. A head and heart line that are healthy and of equal length suggest a coherence between our feelings and our thoughts—our passions don’t rule our logic, and visa versa.

rama-right rama-left

However, Randy’s non-dominant hand, the hand reflecting our subconscious desires, fears and latent characteristics, told a different story entirely with its broken headline and inordinately long, unbending heartline originating from his Jupiter mount. His heartline told me that his idealistic expectations of love and sex were both unreasonable and all-demanding, and could easily push him to illogical extremes. It also made him prone to extreme jealousy, possessiveness and fits of temper. His broken headline made matters worse by short-circuiting his logical thinking and predisposing him to irrational and unreasonable behavior, which could be triggered by any major setback or frustration.

I conveyed this to Randy, advising him he needed to change the negative aspects in his non-dominant hand and bring them in balance with the mature, well-rounded features of his dominant hand. The best way to do this, I suggested, was by associating with supportive, positive people, developing a daily spiritual practice and treating the people in his life with love and kindness.

“But I don’t want to lose my wife,” he said. I told him he wouldn’t lose her if he treated her with love instead of doing something foolish in an attempt to possess her.

Randy didn’t return for his follow-up appointment. A year later Linda came for a consultation and told me that Randy was serving five years in jail for attempted bank robbery. Not only that, but he was convinced she was cheating on him and had threatened to have her beaten up.

Writing to Randy in jail, I told him that although he may feel that he’d lost everything, he actually hadn’t. He still had a wife and two loving children waiting for him, but that he would lose them if he didn’t develop balance in his life and in his hands. Despite his environment, I again encouraged him to surround himself with the most positive people he could find and to reflect upon those he cared for with love and kindness.

“You maybe imprisoned, Randy, but you are free to choose the kind of person you want to become,” I wrote.

When Randy came to see me after his release he was a changed man, he was working hard to build a yoga studio for Linda and was practicing yoga himself every morning. He was a loving dad, a good husband . . . and he was happy. The vastly improved lines in his non-dominant hand reflected his new outlook and approach to life.

“Your letter struck a chord in me Ghanshyam. I began thinking about how important my kids were to me and that made all the difference. I joined a prison anger management group and a daily meditation class—and I began focusing on myself and my family with love. Suddenly everything changed. It’s funny that I had to be locked up to become free.”


If you would like to learn more about how your non-dominant and dominant hands can affect your actions and opportunities, call us at 866-428-3799 or click here to book an appointment with me. We are here to help.



Are you failing to reach your full potential? Feel that you are not advancing in your life or your career? Are you trapped in a go-nowhere job? We can help you identify and develop your hidden talents and get you back on track! Check out Phillip’s story:

In the Vedas, palmistry and astrology are twin sciences, intimately entwined and referred to together as Hast JyotishHast meaning hand and Jyotish meaning astrology. In Hast Jyotish (Vedic Palmistry) we use both the palm and the astrological birth chart to understand what is going on in a person’s life. The astrological birth (or natal) chart reveals our strengths, weaknesses and potential; the handprints let us know if we are living up to that potential. If a person is having difficulty in any area of life, we suggest a course of action to align them with their planetary potential, and then monitor their progress by taking handprints at regular intervals. The lines of our hands change as our actions and attitudes change. It is an incredibly effective way of making the most of our natural-both gifts and talents.

Phillip, a long-time client, is an excellent example of how the natal chart-handprint combination can be used to discover our true calling and help us find success and happiness.


Phillip’s astrological chart revealed tremendous potential, but that potential wasn’t reflected in his initial handprint. In his chart, Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra in the 8th house, suggesting he possessed the innate desire, mental discovering-true-potential-chartdiscipline and discernment to rigorously seek the truth. With this auspicious planetary configuration, Phillip could excel in any career calling for analytic investigation, such as a theoretical scientist, investigative journalist, psychologist, palmist or astrologer.

But Phillip’s initial handprint showed that he wasn’t utilizing his natural gifts or living up to his full potential; there was a complete lack of activity on his mount of Saturn and no hint of a “love of truth” line. And his weak destiny line—also known as the Saturn or Karma line—didn’t reach his heart line, indicating a lack of commitment to a vocation or cause. His natural abilities were lying dormant and unused in his subconscious.

This lack of destiny fulfillment was the reason Phillip came to see me. He’d been stuck in a series of unrewarding, go-nowhere jobs; he was bored, miserable and depressed. I encouraged him to “seek the truth”—to tap into his unconscious potential by looking within himself.

Phillip committed to this wholeheartedly. He began a daily meditation routine, started practicing yoga, and threw himself into the study of palmistry and astrology. In his second set of handprints taken a year later, we can see that Phillip had developed a strong “love of truth” line, and his destiny line had extended well beyond his heart line. He had changed his destiny—and the lines of his hands—by changing his thought patterns and behavior. Today he is a successful teacher and one of the most sought after Vedic consultants in the country . . . and he is a very happy man.

Vedic palmistry is a quick, effective tool anyone can use to tap into their subconscious potential and manifest it in their lives.

If you need help realizing your full potential, give me a call at 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.